Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sonic: 1955 Date Adventure Chapter 35

Doc races up the stairs till he reaches the clock gears. He opens the steel windows out onto the short ledge and is shocked by a weird cat statue roaring for a moment and then throws the rope down to Marty who is hold in the cable.
Doc: I got it!
Marty: All right! Take it up.
Doc takes up the part of the cable as fast as he could.
Marty: Go!
Sonic and Amy are baffled by that.
Doc has the plug part of the cable when Marty yells something out to him.
Marty: Doc!
Doc: What?
Marty: I have to tell you why the Libyans murder you for stealing plutonium by 1985.
Doc: WHAT?
Doc: WHY?
BONG! The clock strikes 10:00 startling Doc.
Doc: GO!
Marty: No Doc!
Doc: Look at the time!(points to the clock)YOU GOT LESS THAN 4 MINUTES. HURRY!
Marty runs to the DeLorrean,gets in,closes the door and drives to the white line.
Tails: Go Marty!
Sonic: That's wierd.
Amy: Yeah!
Doc steps toward the part of the cable to reconnect the plug part but part of the short ledge breaks and Doc nearly falls but he grabs the clock arms still holding the plug part of the cable.
Meanwhile the Delorrean has reached the starting point, inside Marty is still thinking why.
Marty: DARN IT, DOC! Why did you have to tear open that letter before 1985. If only i had more time! Wait! I got all the time i want. I got a time machine i can just go back early AND WARN HIM! Ten minutes ought do it. (types in the minutes and 1:24 A.M appears in the place of 1:35 on October 26, 1985) Flux Capacitor fluxing. Engine running. Okay!
The engine dies.
Marty tries to start it but he is doing the clicker lights.
Back at the tower, the clock has struck 10:01 PM Doc is trying his best.
Back at the DeLorrean, an alarm goes off.
Marty: This time c'mon. Oh i got an idea.(bangs his head down and the engine goes up again)(he lifts his head and smiles)
He pushes the engine and starts racing toward the cable. Luckily he has the connecting rod up to make contact.
Back at the courthouse, Sonic and Amy see the Delorrean racing toward the cable as the clock hits 10:02.
Tails sees a lightning bolt and drives it away with his lightning deflector.
Doc smiles and tries to put the plug part in the socket part and then sees what the problem is. Another part of the cable is stuck to the tree. He shakes it free but disconnects accidentally the part where the cable suspends over the street. He puts the 1st part in and sees it.
The clock hits 10:03.
The DeLorrean is racing still toward the cable as the lightning still continues.
10:03. Tails deflects the lightning bolts coming closer.
Doc puts up rope and slids to the ground and the DeLorrean time machine.
It hits 88 Miles Per Hour and 4 flames come from the tires.
Doc grabs the half of the cable and reconnects it to the other part.
10:04 P.M. Lightning almost hits the clock but bounces of the trash can lid Tails holds and hits the cable as it goes down it. Doc is knocked over and the DeLorrean hits it, explodes and trails of fire race at the town theater.
Tails comes down from the clock tower and joins Doc,Sonic and Amy as the whiteness Marty returning to 1985.
BONG! The clock strikes 10:05.
Sonic: Whew! That was a close one.
The 4 get out in between the flames and laugh as Doc yells.
Doc: Yeahhhhh! Ohhhhh! Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha ha ha ha!
He has succeeded his first early Time travel experiment and the 4 look up at the saved clock.
Just then. The 2nd Marty that Sonic and Amy saw comes out from between the cars as the 4 walk back to the car.
Marty 2: Doc! Doc! Doc! Doc!
Amy: Here comes the 2nd Marty again.
Marty 2 grabs Doc.
Doc: What?
Marty 2 turns Doc around and he is startled.
Marty 2: Just remain calm. It's me! It's Marty from an alternate 1985.
Doc: It can't be! I just sent the real you back to 1985.
1985A Marty: You did send my other self back to the future. But I'm back! I'm back from the future.
Doc: Great Scott.(faints)
Marty: Doc! Doc! Doc! Oh great! Fantastic!
Later, the 6 arrive back at 1640 Riverside drive as it rains.
Sonic,Amy and Tails along with Marty 2 carrying Doc get into the house.

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